How To Get Started In Real Estate (with a Bang!) – The Ultimate Guide For Starting Your Sales Career
The ultimate guide to becoming a top producer! This how to get started in real estate guide will get you going with a bang.
Let’s face it, getting started is tough work.
You have no money coming in, are starting a new career, maybe haven’t done sales in the past, and have a lot to learn.
Your real estate licensing examine is one step of the process. But, becoming a real estate agent is a lot more than that.
Today, I share the secrets to dominating in real estate.
I’m going to show you exactly, step-by-step: How To Get Started In Real Estate
No matter who you are, this is always on our minds! I ask myself a variation of that question every single day. So, today I’m going to be covering several topics to help you answer that question. I’ll be sharing data I’ve gotten by analyzing over 550+ real estate businesses to help you figure out how to get started in real estate.
I wouldn’t call this conclusive. But it is definitely a darned good place for you to start.
One of the BIGGEST mistakes I see every single day is Realtors not having a blog. If you’re a Realtor who does not have at least one website with a blog, you need to start one right now.
You if you take anything away from this guide let it be to start a blog. It doesn’t need IDX. It doesn’t need to look fancy. It just needs a place where you post content once a week.
Why would you want to do this?
84% of top performing Realtors use content marketing (I.E: Blogs) to generate leads. (source)
Google searches for real estate-related terms have increased 253% over the past four years. (source)
Honestly, everyday I’m personally reminded of all the “leads” I’ve lost out on through putting off blogging. I literally tried EVERYTHING else. But the highest returns come from having a blog that provides value. Setup your blog today! Literally, 96% of the Realtors that visit Easy Agent Pro do NOT have an active blog. I’m telling you that is a fact. We run the analytics on it weekly.
Heck, even check out our Leadsites.
You can easily jump into the top 4% of Realtors by creating a blog and taking our free website marketing course. The coolest thing about blogs and social media is that they can work for your business while you prospect. So, you can still cold call and door knock for leads. But you’ll also have a internet presence hunting down leads while you do your calling.
The first thing you need to be focused on is getting organized.
Remember that address book your mom had while growing up? It listed everyone’s name, number, and address, right? That’s what we need to start building.
To make it business and professional sounding, we’re going to call that our Center of Influence database. Basically, this is just a catalog of numbers and addresses that help you stay organized. The whole goal of anything we do is to grow this database or make it sell more homes for it. That’s it.
Your new website you just set up (…wait, you did set that up right?) has the sole goal of growing your list.
And the Contact Plan below is the system for staying in touch with these friends and family. These are the only two systems you really need to have a booming business. You have your address book (Center of Influence database) and contact plan.
To Make Getting Started In Real Estate Simple, you need:
1) A Way To Get More Contacts (Website, Expired Listing Letters, Real Estate NewsLetters, Real Estate Farming, etc)
2) A Way To Keep In Touch With These Contacts
Watch these successful agents discuss these two items and how to get started in real estate:
Great! Now you’ve got your website helping you get more leads and you have a Center of Influence database (CRM) keeping all your contacts in one place.
Now you’ve got your website helping you get more leads and you have a Center of Influence database (CRM) keeping all your contacts in one place.
Your question is probably, “Now What, Tyler?”
And you’re exactly right! Leads will probably not be ready to buy or sell the second they land on your website. Friends are probably not quite in the market yet either. So how do we stay in touch? This is one of the main questions when thinking about how to get started in real estate.
Leads will probably not be ready to buy or sell the second they land on your website. Friends are probably not quite in the market yet either.
So how do we stay in touch? This is one of the main questions when thinking about how to get started in real estate. In The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, you learn about the 33 touch plan. Generally speaking this means you get 2 closed sale from every 12 people in your database only after touching everyone 33 times a year. Your sole job then becomes touching everyone in your Center of Influence database 33 times a year while growing your Center of Influence database.
This proven formula also makes your math very easy and makes it easy to answer the question: How to get started in real estate! If you have 400 people in your database, you should earn 67 closed transactions. (400 / 12 X 2 = 67). These numbers are very achievable. But that doesn’t make it easy. This guide is telling you how to get started in real estate, but you still have to go out there and put in the time. Your time will be stretched thin as you continue to work at building income lead funnels and following up with people. This is why I recommend building a blog at the beginning. This website can be a great source of leads for you. But how many times have you put off something simply because of everything else you had going on? All the time!
I know it seems unbelievable, but blogs can easily generate 10-50 leads a day after they mature. This can then lead you to hiring other agents and growing your team. Before we get too far into teams however, let’s just remember that the concept here is quite simple. You only have to grow your database and touch everyone in it 33 times a year. Comment below with your goals this year! Let me know how you’re achieving this and if this guide on how to get started in real estate has helped you.
You will come up with your own scripts as you progress through your real estate career.
As you get started, you may feel like you’re at a loss for words. Here is a script for you to copy and make your own. You’ll want to put this real estate scripts into your database and use them throughout your scheduled contacts with your Center of Influence.
You’ll want to put this real estate scripts into your database and use them throughout your scheduled contacts with your Center of Influence.
“Hi _____________ , it’s Tyler Zey and I’m just reconnecting with you as I’ve joined XYZ Realty Company recently! (Their response) Yes, I’m very excited. My company is [insert valid claim here]. Anyway, I’m just calling to make sure I have all your contact information correct so that I can reach out to you occasionally and of course send you something for the holidays?” (obtain all contact information – you’ll want an: email address for , phone number(s) & physical address)
“Things have really changed in real estate lately and I can’t think of a better career to be in right now. I have so much competition and love it!” (wait for response) “As I’m just starting, I could use your help if you happen to know anybody looking to buy or sell a home in the next year?”
After you’ve build your website (it only takes 5 minutes if you follow this video), the next step is to commit to a center of influence contact plan.
The requirement for this plan is that you touch contacts 33 times a year. Remember that formula from above? You’re basically looking to build a structure that helps you consistently talk to everyone in your database/crm 33 times a year. This will help you figure out how to get started in real estate.
Then, you use the rest of your time to make your database/crm bigger. Here are 2 free sample plans for you to copy –
12 Email Marketing Newsletters – 1st Tuesday Monthly. Did you know Tuesday gets the highest open rates of all days when sending emails? Send your emails on Tuesday.
1 Client Appreciation Event
1 Christmas Card – You really want to handwrite this and send it late November
2 Postcards – Mail Out
3 Phone Calls
1 Facebook Direct Message – “How have you been?”
1 Annual Magnet Calendar – Mail Out
12 Newsletters – Mail Out the 15th of Each Month
18 Emails – Automated in CRM to send every 3 weeks
12 Mailers – Sent Monthly:
2 Phone Calls – to everyone in COI
1 Drop-By – Pumpkins Delivered to Doorsteps (October/November)
1 Client Appreciation Event – Tailgate & Suite/Skybox at Professional Sports Event (email, mail & call COI)
You really do need to own a copy of this book. I’ve talked with hundreds and thousands of Realtors and everyone swears by the system written down here. Gary Keller, founder of Keller Williams, outlines exactly what you should be doing everyday in your business. He has made a blueprint for you to be successful and I’ve learned a lot about it. Buy your copy here.
I get a lot of questions from people about what domain name they should use. I always suggest this formula: [yourname] + [realestate, Realtor, or homes] + [location].
Mix and match various combinations using those 3 things and you can’t go wrong! That domain name will work very well on Google and help your clients remember your URL. Gone are the days when your domain name should be “” Google (and your clients) are looking for names that are just a bit more personal. Ultimately, you have a lot more important things to think about when considering how to get started in real estate. Don’t worry too much about what Google likes. Just provide great content and you’ll see results.
This website is great for Realtors just starting out! The website has tons of practical advice for Realtors looking to grow quickly. If you’re wondering how to get started in real estate sales, this is a great website to learn from!
I write about real estate marketing almost every day. There is almost certainly something here for you to implement and see results with.
You have no idea how much it means for you to be here reading “How To Get Started In Real Estate” right now. Please let me know what you’re thinking about these scripts and business ideas in the comments below. If you liked what you read today, join the email list. There is a lot more to learn there.
I love comments. 🙂 Talk with you below….
– Tyler, Easy Agent Pro
Let’s boost your lead gen.