Facebook Ads For Real Estate: A Step-By-Step Guide
Want to get more leads for cheap? Setup Facebook ads for real estate and profit today! This step-by-step guide will help you make money today!
How’d you like to see the advertising funnel that brings GREAT real estate leads even in competitive markets?
Well, get ready for it…
…because today we’re going to be discussing an ultimate Facebook Ads For Real Estate funnel and sharing some of the absolute BEST secrets with you. Facebook Ads For Real Estate are a great idea! They will get you tons of leads.
Caution: This isn’t white noise. There are real Facebook ads for real estate agents discussed here and conversion tactics to boost your results.
There are over 2 million active real estate agents today and most of them have websites. No wonder getting people to your site (…not to mention even getting them to contact you) is a task even Hercules would scratch his head at. In other words, if you just have a website, you’re more than likely 1 of 1,999,999 others trying to get those passive clients searching the web to contact you. Despite the major competition, there are still several easy ways to go out there and get people to your website. I’m about to teach you one of them. Did you ever look at some of the ads on Facebook and wonder: “How are they doing that?” Or, “How can that be profitable?” Today I’m going to show you exactly how to make Facebook ads for real estate and push that traffic through a funnel in order to churn out profitable clients for your real estate business. It’s a relatively complicated system at first but with time you’ll be able to master it. Plus, after you read it a few times I think you’ll understand how simple this tactic is at its core. [Pro Tip: Print this out and use a highlighter. Scientists have proven we learn better well writing on what we read.]
Do you give your car keys to a random guy standing on the sidewalk? No! Because they haven’t earned your trust.
Yet, we pull up to a nice restaurant and there’s a random guy dressed like a valet offering to park your car…you’ll probably give him your keys. AND PAY HIM.
The crux of any type of digital acquisition is having a trusted base or authority website to build off of. A website’s structure, design, and content are mission critical. They matter so much.
Running Facebook ads for real estate to a website that isn’t formatted properly will significantly decrease the number of people that opt in to your message. This significantly increases the cost of acquisition.
Here are the basic things you need in order for your website to convert properly:
Conversion friendly article titles:
Order some graphics for $5 off of a site like fiverr.com. Be sure to look for someone offering: “Flat Design” This is a trend that came out a year ago and really makes your graphics look sharp.
The next thing you need are four ways for people to convert onto your email list on your website. I really recommend having 4 different types of email capture boxes. Make sure each one offers something different in exchange for the email address and phone number.
Here’s an example:
***Side note: E-Mail marketing is still the cheapest and most effective method out there. Yes, we are placing these opt-in’s on the site mainly to capture ad traffic, but they will also start creating an email list for you. You can then use the email list to alert people of listings, house videos, open houses and more.***
Be sure to integrate both an auto-responder sequence and e-blasts with these email addresses you’re collecting. The people that just give you their email address should be followed up with at least once a month with a personal email and also get your auto responders. This will keep you top of mind and help you get their business later. This also means your ROI can be both immediate and long-term. This is great for business stability.
Now that our website is setup to get a fair number of email addresses and phone numbers from any traffic we send to it, we can prime the site with paid traffic. We’re going to use Facebook ads for real estate to get more traffic to our website in order to get more email addresses and phone numbers.
I highly recommend starting with Facebook ads and then moving to Google Ads. Google ads are a lot more competitive and costly. It’s best to learn where it’s cheap (Facebook) and then move over to Google.
Step 1: Pick your top 3 articles that you just wrote and head over to facebook.com/ads
Step 2: Click the green “Manage Your Ads” button
Step 3: Now we’re going to click: “Create Ads”
Step 4: Select: “Clicks to website”
Step 5: Now, input the URL to the most popular article you’ve written on your website.
Step 6: The image you’ve already designed should appear below. You’ll want to select 3 other images from Facebook’s stock image library. This will help you split test your ads.
Step 7: Next, connect your Facebook Page.
Step 8: Place your article’s Title in the “headline” box and write a short description for the “Text” box.
Step 9: Turn on Newsfeed Ads, Mobile Newsfeed Ads: These convert very well.
Step 10: Turn of Sidebar Ads and Partner Mobile Apps: These don’t convert as well when running Facebook Ads For Real Estate.
Here are the demographics I recommend:
Ok, now we have our ads setup. You’ll want to set the budget at something around $200-500 per month. I recommend starting with $350 a month. Facebook Ads For Real Estate really create a scale-able source of leads for you. You can turn them up or down and spend what you want to on them.
You’ll also want to click: “Optimize for Clicks” and “Manually Set Your Bid Per Click”. Set the Bid $.10 over the highest recommended amount.
Now, Go back and repeat this process for 2 more articles.
Great job!
You now have Facebook Ads For Real Estate showing your message to likely homebuyers in the area. They are going to your website where you will get their email address, phone number, and name.
Your ad set up, you really just have to monitor than once a day. While monitoring them make sure you adjust your cost per click up or down based on Facebook’s recommendation and the amount of impression you’re seeing. Try to lower it, if possible. You will know you’ve gone too low with your bid if your ad starts not being shown to anyone. You’re able to tell when this happens because your number of impressions will stop changing daily.
Secondly, monitor which images you use on your Facebook Ads For Real Estate. These images greatly impact conversion. Some will convert better than others. Use those images and delete the other ones.
Remember how we selected 3 to 4 images per headline? One of those will convert a lot better than the others! Turn off ads that cost more per click than others. Then go to the ad that is the cheapest and click Create Similar Ad. Change the image to be something similar to that at but that is still different.
This will help you find the best converting ad. Finding the best one usually takes about a month.
Finally, you set up three different headlines. Monitor which one converts the best and consider shutting one off.
Be Warned: these are not your typical leads. Be sure to follow up with all leads generated via Facebook Ads For Real Estate within minutes of them opting in. (This can be done automatically with autoresponders…). The amount of time you have to contact them while they’re still thinking about you, is about four minutes. If you can find a way to cut down the length of time between when they’re on your site in when you actually contact them; you’ll win this game.
Now, let’s do some math to validate this advertising spend.
Typically 10% of the clicks from Facebook ads for real estate will give you their email address and/or phone number. You should shoot to better the articles and content on your website until you are getting higher than a 10% conversion rate. I’ve seen real estate agents get into 20-40% conversion rate.
You probably have a number in your head of the number of leads that turn into completed transactions. Use this formula to justify the ad cost:
Monthly Ad Spend [divided by] Cost Per Click = Clicks to Website
Clicks [times] Conversion Rate = Number of Leads
Leads [times] Your Close Rate = Houses Sold
$350 (spent in a month) / $.35 (ave cost per click) = 1000 clicks to your website
1000 clicks * 10% conversion rate = 100 individuals contact information
100 leads * X% (your conversion rate) = X houses sold
These simple equations should help you validate the $350 ad spend. After you find a profitable funnel, you can really open up that budget and scale it.
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