InstaHACK: Promote Listings On Instagram Everyday With 14 Minutes A Month (It’s Free!)
Instagram has more users than Twitter. Here's how to hack Instagram and post your listings to the network everyday on autopilot!
Did you know that there are more users on Instagram than Twitter? I’m not kidding. The problem with Instagram is that there is literally no way to do it easily. You can’t schedule it like Twitter or Facebook. And you can’t do it from your computer. You literally have to login and post directly every single time.
Until now…
Instagram is one of the LARGEST social networks and it is yet to be truly used by Realtors. What do I mean by that? I mean that there is a huge opportunity for Realtors willing to take the time and post on Instagram.
That’s the problem though.
It takes a ton of time. There is no way around posting on Instagram. You literally need to take out your phone, take a picture, type a message, make the picture look better, and then post it.
Not to mention…this means you can’t post images from IDX or things on your computer easily.
I’ve figured out a hack. (I’m calling it an INSTAHACK) That will allow you to post on Instagram from your computer. Best of all? You can schedule 30 posts at once. This means in 14 minutes you can schedule one post per day for the next month.
Here’s a video teaching you how to dominate with Instagram in your business:
Let’s take a look at this step-by-step:
You have to do 2 things here. The first is to signup for a free Latergram account and the second is to connect that account to your Instagram account.
There’s nothing tricky here. Just follow the steps on the screen and you should be good to go.
This is the one part of the whole process that’s a bit tedious. Now that you have your account created. You have to go to your Android or Apple smart phone and download their application.
There is no way around this part. You also need Instagram installed on your phone. (But you probably already have this installed…so don’t worry about it too much.)
That’s it! In under three steps you can be sending listings to Instagram every single day of the week for an entire month. At the end of the month, just log back into Latergram and load up next month.
If you want to do more than 30 posts per month, I’m pretty sure Latergram will have you upgrade to a paid account.
Now, to be fair, we talked a lot about posting your listings to Instagram. And that’s great. But if you want to grow your followers, you should really not always be pushing your listings. Be sure to add value to the conversation. A great ratio is 4:1. Always give around four times more value on all social networks.
Instagram really doesn’t allow URL’s in the text for your posts. So be sure to use tons of Hashtags. Unlike other social networks, hashtags are a lot more acceptable on Instagram. You’ll also want to include a call to action for your image viewers to visit the URL you place in your profile.
Considering how much time you’ll send on driving traffic to your website make sure you have a high converting website. If you don’t, click that big yellow button in the header and check out how Easy Agent Pro’s websites can help your business.
What do you think? Are you using Instagram in your business? Let me know in the comments below:
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