Exactly how this agent got 4 seller leads and 100 Facebook comments in 24 hours [CASE STUDY]
Here's a cheap way to get 100+ comments on your real estate Facebook posts... it got Kyle 2 legit leads every time he did it. How will it work for you?
Facebook’s been rather tough lately.
Basically, Mark Zuckerberg made it impossible for your Facebook Page to get any love without paying.
And, results from paid campaigns typically are abysmal unless you have advanced targeting setup. And you have spend thousands of dollars to figure out what works in your area.
None of this is good news.
And I’d be willing to bet that more than 75% of you have a Facebook Page that looks like this…
…And that’s sad really. Facebook is the most popular network in the world.
There are so many people that use it daily!!!
So today, I’m going to break down a Facebook tactic that’s working for Kyle Hiscock (he sells real estate in Rochester, NY.)
(You’ll get leads. It’s close to free.)
Basically, Kyle realized that it simply isn’t helpful to people in the Webster NY Real Estate market to post random listings.
Like I’ve said before, the game of real estate lead generation is about “Giving To Get.”
And on Facebook, you have to give interesting content for people to engage with you.
Here’s what Kyle did:
Kyle simply made a prize and enticed people to play a little game.
He asked them to comment on his post and guess the price of the new listing!
That’s 10X more fun than a post by an agent that says: “Check out my new listing! [LINK]”
And he was rewarded for it!
Kyle was able to secure 4 legitimate (likely to close) leads from these posts.
The math is simple…
He did two things other than create the Facebook post you see above.
Here are those two secrets to success:
Tip 1) Kyle boosted the posts on Facebook with $15 each.
When it come to boosting the posts, you’ll want to do two things.
2. You can setup your ad to “Boost the post” through the traditional Facebook Advertising page. This will give you more options than if you simply click the “Boost” button. If you do this, you’ll be able to target only people who are “Likely to move.” This will significantly increase the likelihood of you messaging someone who is interested in buying or selling real estate.
You can also adjust the age and income parameters to match that of your best clients.
Tip 2) He sent a personalized message to everyone that commented on his post!
This is where the real magic happens! You now have a list of 100+ people who are mildly interested in real estate. And if you’ve setup proper “behavioral targeting” with your boosted ad…you should have a list of people who are really interested in buying/selling.
And you can directly reach out to them… Imagine how useful it is to someone trying to understand all the first time home buyer programs or mortgage possibilities to have an open line of communication.
Here’s what Kyle sent:
(BTW: This sure beats the heck out of cold calling…doesn’t it, Tom?)
He was able to send messages like the one above to over 80 new people!
That’s over 80 people who have never heard of Kyle or his real estate business before.
Let me know your questions (or if you LOVE tips like this) in the comment section below. You can even link to your real estate Facebook posts if you’d like.
I’ll talk with you there!
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