How To Post A Blog A Week And Spend ZERO Time Writing
Need more content for your blog but have no where to turn? Check out this great way to get articles on your blog for cheap.
Is this you? “Tyler, I get it. I need a blog with useful stuff on my website. But I just don’t have the time!”
I know. Writing sucks up time like none other. So today I’m going to show you an awesome tool that you can use. Like most things in life where you outsource a task, it costs money. But it’s VERY reasonable and a great way to get your blog started today!
Start Getting Content For Cheap
When it comes to writing about real estate, you might feel like you’re running out of time. I understand. Keeping up the blog at Easy Agent Pro definitely takes work at times.
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So to make it easier on you here’s a quick cheat for more content in less time:
1. Head over to or and find a very popular article.
2. Download or save the article and go to
3. Submit the article and 4-12 hours later you’ll have a fresh post to put on your WordPress site.
That’s it! iWriter is a great way to get things written for cheap!
If you don’t have a blog about real estate, I really recommend you start one. 89% of people do their research online before contacting any business. This means you’re already behind the game if you don’t have content online for these people to find. There is a saying called “Content is king.” It’s really true in real estate.
If you have the most (best) local real estate content, people will find you more than your competitors and you will have more leads.
Here’s a quick post on how to setup your own WordPress real estate blog in about 15 minutes. I highly recommend using WordPress over any other website CMS out there. They have tons of free plugins that let you capture leads like I talked about in the above video.
Let me know how these two ideas work for you in your business. If you’re having trouble finding ways to capture leads, let me know through the contact button. I’ll suggest a few things.
Let’s boost your lead gen.