Agent Quick Fix: Reoptimize Underperforming Real Estate Content And Drive More Traffic
Wondering how to get more eyes on your real estate content? Here is a quick fix to ramp up your views online
If you’re reading this post because your real estate content isn’t driving traffic to your site, don’t feel bad.
Nearly 70% of marketers struggle to generate highly engaging content.
So you’re definitely not alone.
And, let’s face it, with literally millions of blogs published daily not every one is going to be a winner.
So, if one or two blogs flops, you should just keep producing more and more content, right?
Yes, you want to publish quality content often but if it’s not reaching users, what’s the point?
HubSpot did some digging last year and found that 76% of their monthly blog views came from old posts and 92% of their blog-generated leads also came from older posts.
Here’s how reoptimizing older, underperforming content can drive more qualified leads to your real estate website today.
Before we get into how to fix your failing content, we need to figure out exactly what isn’t working and why.
Here are three major reasons why your content may be coming up short.
Literally the worst possible thing you can do to your content is neglect it.
Doing nothing with your content is the quickest way to tank your marketing efforts.
Once you create the content, you’ve got to share and promote it.
It doesn’t matter if the blog post or video is 200% optimized.
If you just let it sit there, it’s not going to do anything for you.
Before you even start publishing content regularly, you really should put some thought into what platforms you’re going to use to distribute it.
If you’re mainly making videos then you obviously need to be on Youtube and Facebook.
If you love blogging then make sure you’re using your Pinterest page and are exploring Instagram and Twitter (though really, you should be posting videos as well).
And this brings us to the second reason why your content may be disappointing you.
If you’re not sharing your content, this is probably why.
Creating content with no plan of action is going to keep you falling behind.
You could have the best blog or video of the year, but if it’s just sitting on your agent site, or remaining untouched on your Youtube channel…it won’t matter.
If your audience can’t find you, what’s the point?
If you don’t have a content marketing plan in place yet, get on it.
Like today.
Your strategy doesn’t have to be fail-proof.
There’s no way it possibly could be because you haven’t tested it out yet.
Even a bad content marketing strategy is better than not having one at all.
Because once you set some end goals and start rolling out consistent content, you can refine your efforts and this will eventually lead you to developing a solid plan that support your business and brand.
Like so many things, success in content marketing is most always a game of “hurry up and wait.”
Getting your content published and spreading the word is just the beginning.
If you published and marketed a post two weeks ago and you’re not seeing an increase in traffic, it doesn’t mean that it’s not performing well.
And it certainly doesn’t mean that you’ve failed.
All this means is that it’s too early to assess the success of your efforts.
It can take two to three months before you get the results you want from any single piece of content.
And you know what you should be doing in the meantime?
Creating more.
And staying active on social media.
Now for the fix.
Let’s repair your stagnant posts.
What makes a post successful?
Here are the components of a highly-optimized piece of content –
So, with these elements in mind, here are three ways to get your under-achieving videos and blogs to appeal to your audience.
This may be the most important and time-consuming piece, but will make the next two steps that much easier.
If your audience isn’t engaging your content, it’s time to figure out what they do care about.
And the fastest and most effective way to do this is to listen to them.
This should be one of your main motivations for being active on social media.
It’s the perfect way to get to know your viewers.
You should also keep an eye out on any groups you’re a part of and see where the conversation goes.
Remember, you don’t just have to blog or record videos about the coming and going properties in your area.
You can put a real estate spin on anything.
But first you’ve got to determine how your content will help your viewers.
Really, you’re in the business of making people’s lives easier.
If a couple with three kids and a dog recently moved to your area because one of the parents landed a job at a booming corporation, they’re going to need a lot of help adjusting.
They’re going to need to know what school(s) they should enroll their kids in, what family-friendly activities there are to participate in on the weekends, where they should walk their dog, the best place for family pizza night…etc.
If you notice trends in your community, talk about them.
See what we did there?
And if all else fails, take to social media and start talking.
Ask your fans how their weekend was and what they did.
Have them tell you all about their favorite local eatery.
Get them talking to find out how to keep the conversation going via blog or video.
If you’ve been keep a blog for a while, chances are some of your early posts are out of date.
And that’s totally okay!
Historical editing needs to be a part of your marketing plan. Forever.
So, look back through some of your previous posts that didn’t perform so well.
Now, look at any more current content you have and figure out which pieces can possibly support and complement one another.
You can merge older, underperforming posts with more successful blogs to up your overall quality.
Consolidating pieces of content that add some value, but not enough to warrant traffic or engagement, can create a solid piece of content and added value for your audience.
After you’re done matching up posts, let’s take things one step further.
Start pairing videos with your blogs.
Whether you begin making videos to revive older content, or start including videos with your brand new blog posts, this will greatly improve your reach and return.
Multimedia blogging is a great way to stand out from your competition and bring value to your audience.
Your headlines matter.
A lot.
For SEO purposes and to pique user interest.
So make them count.
Often times, your title should be the last thing you write.
To make your titles stand out and increase your CTR (click-through rate), you need to use power words.
The quickest way to ensure that folks take that initial step and click to read your blog post is to turbo-charge the title.
Here are over 300 power words to start using immediately.
Keep in mind that click-worthy doesn’t meant click-bait.
In fact, if Facebook catches you promoting straight click-bait, your page will actually suffer for it.
Instead, focus on writing catchy headlines that encourage users to read the rest of the article.
There are many factors that influence how Google ranks content and your organic click-through rate can help you move up in the results.
And here are 20 blog ideas and titles that you can use to start revamping old content and upping your current blogging game.
Wrapping things up, the best way to reduce and eliminate underperforming content is to have a plan in place to revive it before it sinks.
Historical editing is just as important as proofing and refining your most recent content.
And remember, these things take time. So be patient and keep creating.
While social media, email marketing campaigns, and advertisements have their place in attracting website visitors, writing blogs and content for your real estate website is incredibly important for your website performance. Proper real estate blog SEO can have a huge impact on the amount of traffic that visits your site. Luckily, with blog and content writing you can easily incorporate SEO elements to boost your website’s performance to increase site visitors and generate more leads. When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), your website blog will have the most significant impact. Static pages like your landing page, about page,...
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