Boost your customer service efforts with a real estate client advisory council
A real estate client advisory council is a focus group you can use to gauge client interest in how your business is performing. Follow along as we run through everything you need to know about setting one of these up - and getting the most out of it.
The benefits of working with a real estate coach
Not everyone wants to use a real estate coach; learning on the job isn’t a bad way to become a successful agent. It’s safe to say pretty much every agent follows that path. After all, real estate school teaches nothing about how to run a real estate business. That path, however, diverges at some point, separating the ambitious and skillful from the complacent. While those on either path can, at some point in their careers, benefit from a business or life coach’s services, it’s typically the former that seek them. “Struggle + Real Estate Coach = Achievement” claims author...
Real Estate Vendor Referral Program – Grow Your Budding Business
Hey rookie, have you figured out yet that there’s a whole lot of stuff you didn’t learn in real estate school? The practical, day-to-day-how-to-run-your-biz kind of stuff? Like how to build a real estate vendor referral program? All that money, all that time, all that stress and you still really don’t have a clue about what you’re supposed to do daily. We got you up to speed on what you’ll need tech-wise, and today we’ll show you how to build your vendor network. The list is long, but we’ve prioritized it to make it easier for you to get started....
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