25 ‘Five-Minute’ Real Estate Marketing Ideas That Cost Under $15
Are you looking for some quick and cheap real estate marketing ideas? These ideas will help you make use of all your time and grow your real estate marketing.
Are you in a time crunch but looking to squeeze a few extra minutes of marketing into your day? These 25 real estate marketing ideas are all accomplishable in under 5 minutes!
All Realtors need leads, right? But we don’t all have unlimited resources.
So, I’m going to try to limit today’s 25 real estate marketing ideas to things that ALMOST everyone can accomplish in under 5 minutes and under $15. These real estate marketing ideas could be considered a little checklist for Realtors looking to up the number of leads they get in a month.
If you take 1 idea per day, you should be able to complete the list in a month, as there are about 22 working days in every month.
Join Easy Agent Pro for FREE and we'll teach you how to generate more leads.
Join Easy Agent Pro for FREE and we’ll teach you how to generate more leads.
25 ‘Five-Minute’ Real Estate Marketing Ideas That Cost Under $15:
One of the best things you can do with your time is to stay close to all your contacts. The easiest way to do that? A simple, helpful newsletter.
Here’s how this tip can be accomplished in 5 minutes:
1) Export all of your contacts into a file and upload it to Mailchimp or whatever email service provider you use.
2) Find a helpful blog article and syndicate it to your website. Be sure to link back to the original article to maintain proper citation!
3) Send the following email template to all your emails:
Hey there!
I just wanted to share with you my latest blog post. Let me know what you think.How To Get Your First 10,000 Real Estate Website Visitors [INFOGRAPHIC]
Why is it that over 90% of real estate searches start online, yet the vast majority of real estate agents experience little to no traffic?Simple: Real estate agents have relied too long on websites that are out of date. And have not adapted to the common marketing practices used to get more traffic online. [Continue Reading]
PS: If you want to see how I can help you grow your traffic and increase your listings, go here.
You’re able to give helpful information while also generating a few leads for yourself. Try it out today!
It’ll take under 5 minutes of copy/paste work if you know what you’re doing. If you are new to sending mass emails, it might take closer to 15-20 minutes.
One of the best ways to get more traffic and do better marketing is to have helpful blog content.
Blog content, though it might seem boring, is the only way you’ll secure SEO traffic and social media growth. But it can be hard to find time for writing as a Realtor.
Here’s a quick way to get a real estate blog in under 5 minutes for $12.50:
1) Find an article on Zillow or Trulia that you find useful and like.
2) Head over to iWriter and have it re-written for $12.50. (Click here for the exact details you’ll need at iWriter.)
When it comes to driving traffic to Realtor websites, the best thing you can do is be active on Pinterest. But today’s quick tip is to focus on setting up high SEO-ranking Pinterest Farming boards.
Pinterest boards can easily rank very quickly on Google. So, you can set one up for a neighborhood you like to do business in and then post images to it of houses that are for sale…or simply pictures of the community. Then, you can link all these images back to your website.
This board will then climb up the Google rankings and send traffic to your landing pages.
Here’s how you do it:
1) Head to Pinterest and create a new board
2) Use the keyword you’re targeting when setting up the details on the board
3) Fill the board with numerous pictures related to the community and link all the images back to a landing page of yours
Do you have clients that have fallen off the radar? Give them a call! This only takes 5 minutes and can produce multiple returns from referrals, testimonials, and more.
I highly suggest reaching out via phone to past clients and just catching up. The majority of home buyers say they’ll do business with their Realtor again, but most of them simply forget about their agent because the agent doesn’t stay in touch!
The goal of this call should be two-fold.
1) Simply stay top of mind with the buyer and make sure they are happy with the transaction.
2) See if they are open to leaving you a review. This can be a great way to get more business off the internet and convert more leads into clients.
Online reviews and your reputation are crucial elements to success these days.
When it comes to YouTube, the secret to success is simple videos. I’m sure every Realtor would love to have highly produced videos pitching their top selling neighborhoods. But this just isn’t easy to create.
I suggest sticking to simple explainer videos that you can create quickly in front of your computer. Just record a few minutes of you explaining something buyers or sellers have questions about. You’d be surprised by how much you know that the average person doesn’t.
These helpful videos can easily gain views on YouTube over time and add value to your business.
Past clients will be future clients.
This should be your mindset going out of every sale. And you should follow up with this by giving them random gifts.
A simple Starbucks gift card is light on the budget but can do wonders down the road.
If you don’t have a Facebook Page set up for your real estate business, you are about 8 years too late. Take the next 5 minutes to set setup your page.
Here’s a quick video showing you how if you need it.
Your Google Places page is just as important as Facebook. In fact, it might be even more important. This page populates the businesses people find on Google Maps when they are researching businesses on their phones.
If you aren’t listed here, you are losing business. And you’re making it a lot harder for people to drive to your office.
Here’s a quick guide to Acing Your Google Places Setup and ranking highly in local searches
Sometimes the best 5-minute marketing activity is planning your marketing for the coming months.
Driving without a plan is never productive. And the same goes for your marketing. You need to know what your #1 goal is and how you’re going to hit it.
That’s why we came up with this marketing plan. It focuses your attention on what you’re trying to do. And then helps you build the road map to get there.
Here’s a copy you can download and fill out yourself:
When it comes to getting your website to show up for local searches, you simply need backlinks. A backlink is a link to your website from another website. There is no way to fake them as Google has gotten pretty good at detecting bad or fake backlinks.
But one thing you can do is reach out to a local business owner you’re close with. They could be a plumber or restaurant owner. Ask them if they’ll add a link back to your website.
This is a great use of time and can be a starting point for other co-marketing efforts with local business owners.
Go look at your email signature. What’s it doing?
If you send more than 10 emails per day, you really have to turn your email signature into a referral source.
Here’s what I recommend for your email signature:
If you have 5 minutes, quickly write up a guide for non-locals to experience the best things nearby. This can be a one-page document that you email them. Eventually, turn this into a blog post. You’ll find that the more of these guides you create, the more buyers find you online.
Here’s a quick tip to help your prospecting go better:
You can set up IFTTT to send you a text message when you get email leads.
Do you have a contact button on your site that sends you an email notification? Set up IFTTT to turn that into a text notification.
Do you have paid ads that send you leads via email? Set up IFTTT to turn those into text messages.
This is a great app that can help you never miss a lead!
Are you looking to get more traffic to your website?
One way to do that is to find 5 blogs and comment on them. Good, quality comments can drive traffic back to your website.
And they help show that you are engaged in your industry.
Here’s are 5 places you can go leave a quick comment:
Commenting with a tiny bit of effort is a great way to drive consistent referral traffic to your website. And can help increase your SEO results over time. It’s also a good way to build relationships with other online marketers.
The internet is a massive place. And you never know what profiles prospects are going to find.
Take the next 5 minutes and start fleshing out all of your online profiles!
Is your Facebook page 100% filled out? Is your Zillow Profile accurate? Do you have a picture on Yelp and Google+?
These are quick things to update. But simply putting the correct phone number online can be the difference between getting the call and not getting the call.
You can create a non-threatening survey to make door-to-door prospecting less invasive. This lets you make contact with neighbors in a way that doesn’t require you to directly ask for their business. You can create questions that give you a clearer picture of the neighborhood. And provide useful information for later real estate marketing ideas.
Your goals should be to get people talking and start a conversation. Here’s an example of a survey you can take around your neighborhood:
Add this to your business plan today!
The effectiveness of postcards has dropped a little in recent years, but it still can be an effective marketing tactic if you are consistent with it.
You can easily create a postcard template in a free photo editor like Canva, and then get them printed for under $15 at the local Walgreens. I then suggest either mailing them or manually delivering them to the neighborhoods you’re looking to farm.
This cheap real estate marketing idea is a good way to drive traffic to websites and get the occasional call.
One of the free things that always gets seller leads is your CMA or home value analysis tool.
This tool is great at getting traffic to turn into real estate seller leads. And Facebook clicks are usually quite cheap. Here’s a quick way to set up Facebook ads for your tool.
Are you looking to get more leads from Craigslist?
There are so many ways to use this network. If you’re interested, just click here to see all of them.
Here’s a quick video showing how effective it can be to generate leads off of Craigslist:
We all put things off that we don’t want to do. You can take these 5 minutes to call those 2 people who you know you should have called a week or two ago.
Or maybe your email inbox has several emails that just need to be answered.
Sometimes the best form of marketing is taking action on things we don’t want to do.
Real estate surveys can really be an effective real estate marketing ideas.
Do you know why your clients really do business with you? Do you understand what they really are motivated by?
Or are you guessing?
Most of us never take the time to send a survey to our past clients because we’re scared of the results.
I highly suggest doing it. You can set up a quick survey in under 5 minutes with Google Forms. And then collect all the results inside of a Google spreadsheet.
Here are 5 questions you should ask your past clients:
The answers will help you become a better realtor. And get more real estate leads.
Try it today! You’ll never regret it.
In case you missed it the first time, here’s a quick reminder of a way to setup another lead source.
You can have IFTTT email you every time someone mentions real estate-specific terms on Twitter. While these people aren’t the best leads, you can have someone to directly talk to and offer your services to on Twitter.
Here’s how you can set up your very own Twitter lead funnel:
Here’s the thing with writing content online:
You don’t have to start big. You don’t have to start with a 3,000-word article on the best places to live in your hometown.
You don’t have to do that.
Take the next 5 minutes…and write a quick 250 words about something interesting.
Write something that answers your most frequently asked question.
Then, add another 250 words to it in 3 days. Or next week.
I encourage you to just publish something on your website. It helps get traffic and eventually leads. Don’t make this more complicated than it has to be.
Are you looking for an inspirational story about a local business owner who succeeded with Door-to-Door marketing?
You’ll learn how a power washing company grew its profits dramatically through direct response advertising.
This is something I think Realtors have lost sight of in recent years. If you enjoyed the read, please comment back on the blog and let me know your favorite takeaway.
Finally, subscribe to Easy Agent Pro! 🙂
If you’ve made it to the bottom of this article, your 5 minutes are probably already up. So, subscribe to Easy Agent Pro and I promise we’ll send lead-packed tips to your inbox weekly.
Did you find any real estate marketing ideas that were useful? If so, let me know in the comments below!
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